- When will I transition to Cigna Global Health?
US inbound assignees will transition based upon the arrival date of the final physical move to the US for the assignment. The beginning of assignment Workday record must be finalized for Cigna Global Health to receive your enrollment eligibility. Questions about Workday should be directed to your local HR representative. Please note: A US Social Security number (SSN) and US-based mailing address are required to complete the assignee healthcare enrollment process. Delays in receiving a US SSN and/or US-based mailing addresses will cause delays in renrollment in the Cigna Global healthplan. The US SSN and US-based mailing address must be updated in Workday by the HR Service Center:
- My international assignment was recently authorized; what do I do?
Prior to receiving your welcome information from Cigna Global Health, you may visit the Assignees section for information regarding Cigna, such as a PowerPoint presentation and summary of benefits. If you need assistance from Cigna prior to your intended move or have questions as to how your new Cigna Benefits will work, visit the pre-assignment section for guidance.
- When should I expect to receive information from Cigna Global?
You will be provided with welcome information from Cigna and a full membership packet once Cigna is aware of your eligibility for the Cigna Global plan via the data feed from Workday. See question number 1.
- How do I update my US-based mailing address in Workday?
Use the self-service feature in Workday.
- When will I receive my insurance card?
Once you are enrolled in the Cigna Global plan, you will receive a welcome email directly from Cigna Global that will include your membership identification number and information to establish an online account. From there, you can access your Cigna Global health insurance card, as well as additional information regarding your Cigna Global benefits. In addition, Cigna Global Health will mail a hard copy of your insurance card to the US-based mailing address on record in Workday.
- How long will it take to register for the online membership portal, Cigna Envoy, and download my virtual membership cards?
Once you receive your welcome email from Cigna Global Health, you will be able to register with Cigna Envoy. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete the registration and retrieve membership card(s). You can also download the Cigna Envoy App on iPhones and Android phones after you have registered. Click for Cigna Envoy registration process under the Cigna Global section.
- When will I receive my local mandatory plan membership card?
If you are in a country where a local mandatory plan membership is required, Cigna Global Health will include the information regarding this membership within your welcome emails and through their CignaLinks partners. For example, Cowan in Canada, Gama Saude in Brazil, etc.
- Who should I contact if I need medical services prior to my assignment effective date?
The current healthcare provider continues to be responsible for all aspects of your coverage until your assignment arrival date. Pre-notification for treatments required up to the arrival date should be arranged via your current carrier, and all claims for treatment incurred up to the transition date should be submitted to your current carrier for reimbursement.
- What happens if I or an eligible dependent is in the middle of treatment when my assignment begins?
Upon receipt of your welcome email, you can contact Cigna Global Health for assistance with the transition of your insurance. Cigna Global Health may approach your medical provider and inform them they will be covering the medical costs from the agreed transition date. All calls are treated in confidence and no medical information will be shared with Caterpillar.
- I will be repatriating. What do I need to do?
It is critical your Cartus consultant is aware of your physical arrival upon your return to your home payroll country so your end of assignment record in Workday can be finalized. This will allow for your Cigna Global Health benefits to terminate based on your end of your assignment date.
- Who should I contact if I want to plan treatment post-assignment start date?
As soon as you receive your welcome email from Cigna Global Health, you can make contact to discuss medical issues related to treatment. Pre-notification for treatment(s) should be arranged with Cigna Global Health once you have received the welcome email from Cigna Global Health. Cigna Global Health will be responsible for any claims incurred after your assignment arrival date.
In addition, Cigna provides a pre-assignment assistance program to help you transition to your new location. Click here to get started.
- What does in-network and out-of-network mean and how does this impact my benefits?
The Cigna plan provides access to covered benefits through a broad network of contracted healthcare providers and facilities. These are considered network providers. Generally speaking, when receiving covered care at network providers, your costs will be lower. Non-network providers are not contracted with Cigna and therefore, there is no contractual arrangement in place for those providers to accept discounts on their services. Generally speaking, when receiving care at non-network providers, your out of pocket costs will be higher.
- What is coinsurance?
Coinsurance is the percentage of the cost you pay (if any) after your benefit plan pays benefits.
- Are pre-existing illnesses covered under the Cigna Global Health plan?
Yes. There will be no penalty or waiting period for any existing medical conditions.
- In some locations, there can be significant differences in charges for services compared to home country providers. How does Caterpillar and/or Cigna account for these differences?
Caterpillar recognizes there can be differences globally. You are highly encouraged to work with Cigna prior to receiving services to ensure you are maximizing the benefits being provided by Caterpillar, as well as being good stewards of your healthcare spend. However, neither Caterpillar nor Cigna dictate how much a provider will charge for services in any specific location.
Assignees are provided with an annual home leave, which provides an opportunity to address any personal matters, including healthcare. Assignees may choose to receive some of their medical, vision and dental services at home as opposed to their assignment location due to personal preference, medical history, etc. In addition, the goods and service calculation takes into account for some variances such as routine out-of-pocket expenses, including over-the-counter drugs and doctor visit co-pays.
- Will I be covered under Cigna Global Health while on my home leave visits under the Global Mobility program or on personal vacation?
The Cigna Global Health plan will provide coverage worldwide. It will provide coverage while on assignment in your host location, during business travel to other locations and during your home leave visit or personal vacation. Review the benefits summary documents to understand the coverage available in and outside the US, as these may vary.
- Is Cigna Global Health able to provide coverage everywhere?
Cigna Global Health has a number of joint ventures throughout the world who partner with them to provide an easier way for members to receive medical treatment globally. In some countries, assignees are provided with a separate card or a joint card for one of the CignaLinks partners. Assignees are encouraged to use this when obtaining treatment (e.g members in the Middle East will be provided with a local Cigna Neuron ID card, and members in China will be provided with a joint card with the QHMS logo). Using CignaLinks makes the claims processing easier as the provider will bill Cigna Global Health directly, so assignees will have no out-of-pocket expenses. Current CignaLinks partners are in the following areas:
- Africa (Nigeria, South Africa) – Medical Services Organization (MSO)
- Australia – Grand United (GU)
- Brazil – Gama Saude
- Canada – Cowan Insurance Group
- Hong Kong – Quality HealthCare Medical Services (QHMS)
- Middle East (Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Qatar) – Cigna Neuron
- Middle East SAICO (Saudi Arabia) – Saudi Arabian Cooperative Ins. Company
- Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia – Parkway Health
- Spain – Cigna Spain
- United Kingdom – Cigna UK
- What should I do if I experience a medical emergency?
In the event of a medical emergency, you should contact the Cigna Global Health helpline or International SOS immediately. Cigna Global Health will work in partnership with International SOS to provide emergency support as needed. If you (or a family member) require emergency medical treatment and suitable treatment is not available locally, Cigna Global Health will arrange for repatriation to the nearest medical center or to your home payroll country.
It is important you let family and colleagues know you are covered by Cigna Global Health. You should always carry your Cigna Global Health virtual membership card or have your membership number and contact details for Cigna Global Health readily available.
- How do I initiate the appeals process for a claim which was not paid?
If you believe you have a medical claim that was not paid correctly by Cigna, please contact Cigna for assistance with filing a claim determination appeal.
- Who do I contact with healthcare benefits questions?
Contact Cigna Global Health at 1-800-441-2668 (within the US) or 001-302-797-3100 (international). Collect calls are accepted.
Additionally, once you have received your welcome email from Cigna Global Health, you will be able to register and log onto where you can view the benefit provisions, coverage information and country guides and search for local healthcare providers.
- Will my spouse and children also have coverage under the Cigna Global Health plan?
Yes, if your spouse and children are eligible dependents under the Cigna Global Health plan. Information for eligible dependents must be included on the personal data collection form sent by Global Mobility, which initiated your global authorization move process. We do ask you to confirm with the Caterpillar Benefits Center that all personal information is current, as this will allow Cigna Global Health to pay claims as quickly and accurately as possible. Contact the Caterpillar Benefits Center (1-877-228-4010).
- I currently do not cover my eligible dependents, but I want to enroll them. How do I add them to coverage?
Assuming your dependent(s) meets the eligibility requirements, contact (for 2023) Caterpillar Benefits Center (1-877-228-4010) or The Caterpillar Health Enrollment Center (1-833-735-2127) to add them to your health care coverage. You will have 31 days from the effective date of your beginning of assignment record in Workday to add or remove dependents from your healthcare coverage. Proof of dependent eligibility may be required.
- One or more of my eligible dependents will not be accompanying me on assignment. What healthcare plan will they be enrolled in?
With your beginning of assignment, the assignee and any eligible dependents (regardless of whether or not they are accompanying you on assignment) will be enrolled on the Cigna Global Health plan based upon the information provided on the personal data collection form.
- How do I fill prescription drugs prior to starting an international assignment?
You should continue to work with your current carrier prior to the assignment.
- How can I refill prescription drugs while on assignment?
You should contact Cigna Global Health for assistance in filling prescriptions.