How to File a Claim


In most cases, your network provider will file your healthcare claim on your behalf. However, if you're traveling outside of the country or seek services outside of the network, you may be required to pay upfront. In these cases, you will need to file a healthcare claim to be reimbursed for the covered expenses.

Note: At the time of service, it's important that you ask for an itemized bill if you will be filing your own claim. This will need to be mailed with your claim form.

An itemized bill from your provider should include:

  1. Patient diagnosis code
  2. Date(s) of service
  3. Procedure code(s) and descriptions of service(s) rendered
  4. Charge for each service rendered
  5. Provider of service name, address and tax identification number

How to File a Claim

  1. Download and print a claim form from your carrier's website. (You can also find some claim forms in the Forms section of this website.)
  2. Fill out the claim form completely and accurately (to expedite the processing of your claim, it's important to include your Member Number on all documents. You'll find this information on the front of your ID card).
  3. Send the completed claim form and itemized bill to your carrier's healthcare claims address.


Guidelines for Submitting Claims

  • Clip (don't staple) all bills to the completed form and mail them to the proper vendor.
  • Make sure all bills indicate a diagnosis code, procedure code, date of service and cost.
  • Include your member number on all documents. You can find this on the front of your ID card.
  • Ensure the address is correct, and notify Caterpillar of any address changes.
  • Submit all claims in a timely manner.