Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Find a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Caterpillar and our brands. Answers include investor information.
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Caterpillar Merchandise
Cat® hats, boots, shoes, bags, models, phones, watches – and so much more. Appreciation for the brand extends far beyond those who use our equipment.
Cat® Products & Services
Cat® product offerings include articulated trucks, backhoe loaders, dozers, engines, excavators, generators, motor graders, skid steer loaders and wheel loaders.
Corporate Press Releases
Read corporate press releases and news announcements distributed by Caterpillar Inc.
Our leaders are committed to supporting customers and driving profitable growth.
Caterpillar Reports
Find the latest Annual, Sustainability, Diversity & Inclusion and Lobbying Reports.
Industries We Serve
Construction, mining, energy and rail. The industries we serve are essential in our modern world.
Search for Jobs
There are big jobs to be done worldwide, and that work is powered by our people. Join the team.
Caterpillar’s impact is much larger than the sum of our parts. Take a look at some of the projects and innovations that make our collective impact one worth celebrating.
100 Years of Caterpillar
We are committed to a future where reliable power is a reality for every customer and community.
We empower customers to take on complex projects with precision and durability.
We can integrate digital technologies, making it possible for pieces of Cat equipment to communicate with each other.
We prioritize community development initiatives focused on education, workforce development and social welfare.
We invest in research and development to find sustainable solutions in alternative materials and energy-efficient technologies.