Office of Business Practices

At Caterpillar, we live by a Code that provides guidance for ethical business practices and the way we conduct ourselves in the workplace.  Caterpillar is dedicated to providing a work environment that reflects, supports and promotes our foundational values of Integrity, Excellence, Teamwork, Commitment and Sustainability. If you encounter an issue, need advice, or have a question related to the Code of Conduct, Caterpillar has systems in place to make sure you can get the guidance you need, confidentially.  First, check with your supervisor, local management, local or corporate human resources teams or Legal Services.  You always have the option to contact the Office of Business Practices using the contact information below.

The Office of Business Practices answers questions on the specific values and behavioral expectations described in Caterpillar’s Code of Conduct, policies, procedures, and practices. Certain issues such as union grievances, union contract issues, and matters that relate to pending or threatened litigation are beyond the scope of the Office of Business Practices’ activities and will be referred appropriately.

We must all use these reporting rights responsibly and report issues only where we reasonably believe there has been a violation, and not where the report is intended to be harassing, is based on personal opinion only, or is otherwise trivial.

No Retaliation Policy

Caterpillar will not take any action against you as a result of raising an ethical issue in good faith. Also, Caterpillar does not tolerate any reprisal by any individual against an employee for raising a concern or making a report in good faith.


Frequently Asked Questions

Online Reporting (can be submitted anonymously):

By Email:

By Mail:

        Caterpillar Inc.
        Office of Business Practices
        100 N.E. Adams Street
        Peoria, IL 61629-6485 USA

By Phone:

We have engaged NAVEX Global, Inc., an independent organization staffed by interview specialists, to answer each Helpline call since their personnel are available to provide coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you call, you do not have to give your name.  Each call to the Helpline will be summarized in a report by an interview specialist from NAVEX Global, Inc. Reports will be sent electronically to the office of Business Practices and receive prompt, personal attention.

Call Collect Helpline +1-770-582-5275 (language translation available)

Toll-free Helpline: Caterpillar maintains toll-free Helpline numbers in various countries. Inside Canada, the United States, and the U.S. Virgin Islands the number is 1-800-300-7898.

International Toll-free OBP Helpline Numbers:

Callers need to first dial the number required for an external line.

Country Phone Language  
Australia 1-800-05-6013 English
Belgium 0800-7-2095 French
Brazil 0800-892-0594 Portuguese
China 10-800-110-1271 Chinese (Mandarin)
Czech Republic 800-143-852 Czech
France 0800-905-581 French
Germany 0800-182-4190 * German
Hungary 06-800-20-888 Hungarian
India 000-800-100-1647 Tamil
Indonesia 001-803-1-0067591 Indonesian
Italy 800-783398 Italian
Japan 0066-33-830573
Korea 00308-11-0555 Korean
Mexico 001-800-300-7898 Spanish
Poland 0-0-800-151-01-07 Polish
Singapore 800-110-2116 English
South Africa 0-800-200-800 English
Spain 900-9-91073 * Spanish
Sweden 020-79-46-89 Swedish
Switzerland 0800-563-957 * English
Thailand 001-800-11-0067591 Thai
United Kingdom 0808-234-4679 English

(* not available from mobile phones)

Russia and The Netherlands - Instructions for using AT&T Direct Access are as follows:

Employees will dial the AT&T Direct Access Code listed below for their particular area/telephone carrier to get on to the AT&T Network.  The caller will then hear a tone or prompt.  After the prompt, dial the Second Stage Number listed below (toll-free number) upon hearing the tone/prompt.  This will connect the caller to NAVEX Global, Inc.

Note: It is important to dial the second number when prompted, regardless of the type of prompt.  The tone/prompt, if verbal, may be in English or the native language, depending on how AT&T has set up the network associated to that access line.

Country AT&T Access Code Language  
Russia (Moscow) 8^495-363-2400 Russian
Russia (St. Petersburg) 8^812-363-2400 Russian
Russia (all other areas) 8^10-800-110-1011 Russian
The Netherlands 0800-022-9111 Dutch
Second Stage Number


Public phones require coin or card deposit.

May not be available from every phone/public phone.

Additional charges apply when calling outside Moscow and St. Petersburg.