Living by the Code


The words in this Code of Conduct define us. Despite our differences – in geography, culture, language and business – we are one Caterpillar, one company united by these common principles with a shared commitment to the highest standards of conduct.

While we conduct our business within the framework of applicable laws and regulations, for us, compliance with the law is not enough. We strive for more than that. Through our Code of Conduct, we envision a work environment all can take pride in, a company others respect and admire and a world made better by our actions. Together, we are laying the foundation for the values-based culture that will carry us forward to even higher levels of success. Together, we are upholding the reputation of one of the world’s great companies – and strengthening it for tomorrow.

This Code of Conduct applies to the daily activities of employees of Caterpillar Inc., its subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide and members of its Board of Directors. Each of us has a personal responsibility to read the Code of Conduct, understand what it means and apply it consistently. Those in our company who lead others hold a special position of responsibility to set the example of what it means to “live by the Code.”

Reporting Rights and Responsibilities

If you become aware of a circumstance or action that violates, or appears to violate, the Code of Conduct, enterprise policy or applicable law, contact your supervisor or local management as soon as possible. You have a further personal right and responsibility to report any circumstance or action that violates, or appears to violate, the Code of Conduct, enterprise policy or applicable law. You must use these reporting rights responsibly and must report issues only where you reasonably believe there has been a violation, and not where the report is intended to be harassing, is based on personal opinion only or is otherwise trivial. You can raise a question or concern or make such a report to your supervisor, local management, local or corporate human resources teams or Legal Services. You always have the option to contact the Office of Business Practices using the contact information here.

No Retaliation Policy

Caterpillar will not take any action against you as a result of raising an ethical issue in good faith. Also, Caterpillar does not tolerate any reprisal by any individual against an employee for raising a concern or making a report in good faith.