Cat Financial PowerInvestment

Man on Cat Phone
Man on Cat Phone


PowerInvestment Features

PowerInvestment offers competitive rates, security and peace of mind. It is open to any U.S. citizen with a minimum investment of $250. Existing investors can access PowerInvestment information online to view investment balances, request printed statements, select financial news updates and more. 

Financial strength means power. But when you invest in Cat Financial PowerInvestment notes, strength can mean so much more:

  • Value – Free checks for quick access to cash with no monthly fees
  • Convenience – An easy way to put your money to work and track it online
  • Reliability – Investing with a company you know and trust
  • Possibility – Earning power that could turn your dreams into reality
  • Return – Competitive interest rates based on current market conditions


Current Rates

Rates effective for variable denomination floating rate demand notes as of Monday, November 11, 2024.

Principal Amount* Rate Rate Yield
(Daily Compounding)
Retail Investor    
$0 - $4,999.99 4.35% 4.44573%
$5,000.00 - $49,999.99 4.40% 4.49796%
$50,000 and Above 4.50% 4.6025%
Corporate Investor 4.50%


*Total investments are subject to a maximum limit. For further details, please reference the PowerInvestment prospectus.

PowerInvestment FAQs

View all FAQs

PowerInvestment Online Access

Manage your PowerInvestment investment online.



Get Started

Ready to get started? Your road to financial security begins with five simple steps:

1) Confirm eligibility.

2) View the prospectus for Retail Investors or for Corporate Investors.

3) Complete the application. Corporate investors must also complete and submit the Corporate Resolution.

4) Print and review.

5) Sign and send your application to the address below.

View Application


Contact Us


Cat Financial PowerInvestment
P.O. Box 75956
Chicago, IL 60675-5956


1-800-233-2164 (Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Central Time)

Disclaimer: Cat Financial PowerInvestment Notes are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), they are not guaranteed by Cat Financial Services Corporation, and they do not constitute a deposit or bank account. PowerInvestment is not a money market mutual fund, which are typically diversified funds consisting of short-term debt securities of many issuers, and therefore do not meet the diversification and investment quality standards set forth for money market funds by the Investment Company Act of 1940. Instead, PowerInvestment notes are variable denomination, floating rate demand notes that are unsecured debt obligations of Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation and are backed only by the assets of Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation.

The notes available through PowerInvestment are issued by Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation and are offered only in the United States. This website does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to invest in PowerInvestment notes in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is not authorized, or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation in any such jurisdiction. U.S citizens and resident aliens with U.S. Taxpayer ID (e.g. Social Security number) may apply.

Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation has filed a registration statement (including a prospectus) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) relating to the offering of Power Investment. Before you invest, you should read the prospectus in the Registration Statement and the other documents Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation has filed with the SEC for more complete information about Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation and PowerInvestment notes. You may get these documents free of charge by visiting or by downloading them from the Cat Financial PowerInvestment website at Alternatively, Cat Financial will send you a prospectus upon request by calling 1-800-233-2164.