Volunteer Service Match Program Overview
The Caterpillar Foundation is proud to offer the Volunteer Service Match Program to support Caterpillar employees and members of its Board of Directors in their volunteer service to worthy causes. For every 10 hours an eligible Caterpillar participant volunteers to an eligible charity and records, the participant may request the Foundation to provide a $100 USD grant to an eligible charity designated by the participant. A maximum of $1,000 USD (up to 100 hours) per calendar year may be granted per participant.
Please reference full program guidelines and FAQs.
Caterpillar Participant Eligibility
Eligible Caterpillar participants are limited to:
*Employees in China; Kazakhstan and non-U.S./Canada Progress Rail employees are not currently eligible but may be eligible in a future phase of the program’s development.
Annual Minimum / Maximum
Important Deadlines
To be eligible for consideration of the Foundation match:
How the Process Works
Log in to the Caterpillar Cares portal at caterpillar.com/volunteer-match to search for charities that are eligible in your local country.
Volunteer at the eligible charity or school, whether individually or with a team.
Record Hours
Login to the Caterpillar Cares portal to select the charity or school and enter the volunteer opportunity details. Hours may be submitted each time you volunteer or in a lump sum.
Designate Charity to Receive Grant
For every 10 hours recorded, you will receive an email with instructions to unlock a $100 USD grant to a charity you’ve volunteered with. A maximum of $1,000 USD (up to 100 hours) per calendar year may be matched.
Foundation Match
The Caterpillar Foundation reviews requests and processes a volunteer service grant to eligible charities and schools on a quarterly basis.
Caterpillar Participants:
Record Hours
Click the link below to search for charities that are eligible, record hours or apply for a volunteer service match.