Caterpillar Intellectual Property


Many Caterpillar products and services are protected by intellectual property, including patents and trademarks. Identifying and reporting possible infringements of our intellectual property for investigation by the legal team helps protect Caterpillar’s assets. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Please complete and submit the form linked below to report a possible trademark infringement. It is important to include as much information as possible for the Trademark Group to make an appropriate analysis of the report. You may wish to print a copy of the completed report for your files.

Report A Trademark Infringement Form

Please email any pictures or documentation to

If you have not received a response from the Trademark Group within one week of submission, please contact Gale Grant at (309) 636 1143. Gale will be able to direct your questions to the appropriate legal staff.

Thank you for filling out this form as completely as possible.

Many Caterpillar products are protected by intellectual property, including patents and trademarks.

If you identify parts that may infringe a Caterpillar patent, please use the Patent Infringement Reporting Form.

Report A Patent Infringement Form

Note: If you have any supporting documents (e.g., photos, receipt, business card, invoice, import document, bill of lading), please attach them using the upload tool found within the form.

A few examples of Caterpillar patented parts are shown below, but there are many others. Reach out to your business unit’s Component Specialist, IP Strategy Manager or Patent Attorney if you would like to better understand Caterpillar’s patented parts.

  • Liquid filters
  • Cat® AdvansysTM Ground Engaging Tools
  • Ground Engaging Tools with Cat® CapSureTM locks
  • Cat® FusionTM Coupler system
  • Excavator thumbs
  • Engine water pumps
  • Fuel systems

NOTE: If you identify counterfeit parts with unauthorized Cat®, Perkins, or other Caterpillar trademarks on them, please use the trademark infringement reporting process to notify Caterpillar. 

Innovation is a core part of Caterpillar’s identity and has long been a competitive advantage for the company. Much of that innovation occurs by Caterpillar employees, but we also partner with other companies, universities and individuals to bring the latest and greatest technology to our customers. If a third-party wishes to have Caterpillar review or consider new technology or an innovation they have developed, we provide a process through the Unsolicited Ideas portal so that the ideas can be considered while protecting the other party and insulating internal development teams from exposure.

Submit An Unsolicited Idea